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My name is Christopher Cormican and I'm a missionary to the Fatherless

I grew up in Iowa in a Christian home and church. At just six years old, I shared with my grandmother that I felt the Lord calling me to missions. In 2004, I joined the Army, and while deployed, I was involved in three separate IED explosions, resulting in multiple injuries. In 2021, God called me to the mission field while working alongside Robert and Joy Murillo in Mexico. Throughout my life, God has faithfully shaped me into the man I am today to fulfill this calling.


Alongside me is my wife, Rose, and our three children—Hanna, Olivia, and Oliver—we are partnering with missionaries and churches around the world to provide abused and abandoned children with shelter, purpose, healing, and the opportunity to become the next generation of gospel carriers. Our mission is to raise up future pastors, missionaries, Christian teachers, and evangelists.


When we're not traveling to a different country, or presenting our ministry in a church, we have a home base in Northeast Texas. Our sending church is Iglesia Bautista Libertad De Tyler, which was planted by Emmanuel Baptist in Longview, Texas.


We are excited to see how God will continue to use this ministry for His glory!

"Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not." -God

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